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AGE: 12

Our Veterinarian was thrilled and amazed with the change in her.

Our 14-year-old Beaglier, Sizzles, was barely able to get up from the bed and go outside. She suffered terribly, was extremely ginger when touched, and really struggled throughout the day. Essentially, she seemed to be giving up, and rarely got out of bed at all. We all thought that she didn't have much time left.

What an amazing transformation!

"How much happier Max is in just a few weeks!"

OCT 2019
Max is enjoying his morning treat, I can definitely see it helping his grass allergy and he is also walking better on his back legs. It's only been 2wks and although he still struggles getting up from his bed, once moving he has a spring in his step. I'm happy with that considering less than 4wks ago he couldn't hardly walk more than 3 steps. I will keep you posted on his progress.

NOV 2019
How much happier Max is in just a few weeks! His gone from just a few steps and sitting, to almost a little run.
We're so happy seeing our boy up and about happy.
Thank You So Much

FEB 2020
Max is doing amazing his lost 12kg and has his Rose-Hip Vital with an anti-inflammatory every morning. No more limping and can run now although we try to avoid that, we're just happy he can walk with no pain. We have recommended Rose-Hip Vital to some of our friends to help their fur babies, they are happy with the results.

Thank You for checking in on Max that means a lot.

Kind Regards
"In the last two months Sam has shown a good improvement"

I am attaching a couple of photos of Sam who is now heading for the big 20. I found Sam on a morning walk around Forrestdale Lake in 1999. I tried to find his owner without success and he has been part of the family ever since. Old age caught up with him and for the last year, he has been on medication from the vet for his joint pain which has just been getting worse.
Then a couple of months ago, I saw a programme on TV about your product and thought I would give it a try. In the last two months Sam has shown a good improvement. When he walks his bad hind leg no longer kicks out at an awkward angle, he can now stand up for a much longer period of time and although he still has problems in getting up this has also improved.
As a result of this, I have recently put Coco onto the product and hope he too will start to find life a bit easier. Coco is now 21 but as soon as he sees a camera he disappears into the depths of my walk in robe!
"Chevy loves Rose-Hip Vital and certainly licks her plate clean!"

My dog Chevy is a 6 year old Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog crossed with a Labrador who I adopted from a pound in Perth in 2009. Chevy was born with a deformed right front paw which causes her pain as it does not bend and therefore places strain on her joints as she walks and runs. I have always been unable to take Chevy on long or fast walks on hard surfaces as they placed too much pressure on her joints and resulted in swelling and lameness.
Since starting on Rose-Hip Vital in March 2013 Chevy's condition has improved immensely. She is now able to be taken for those walks along the footpaths and recovers well without a trip to the Vet for anti-inflammatories. I now have another young dog who is very active and Chevy is managing to keep up with him! Chevy loves Rose-Hip Vital and certainly licks her plate clean! Thank you from Chevy!!
"Max could run, jump and play... unlike anytime before"

Max is a thirteen year old Fox Terrier. Max came to us from the RSPCA in Melbourne and has become an integral part of our entire family with a firm favourite of our grandchildren and friends. Over the past few years, Max has gradually been experiencing some pain and discomfort from joint pain, although it can mostly be attributed to age.
Max got himself into a fight with a couple of Rottweilers when he was six and thanks to the quick thinking of the owner of the Rottweillers, Max escaped from them, but was quite badly hurt. After spending weeks undergoing treatment he finally came home, so this experience has left him with a contributing factor to his joint pain along with his ageing.
About six months ago, I started to give him Rose Hip Vital for Canines and have gradually seen an improvement in Max. It mainly came to light when our youngest daughter's 3 year old Fox Terrier (Zahlia) came to visit recently, Max could run, jump and play with her unlike anytime before. I can only attribute this to the Rose Hip Vital Canine, so thank you Rose Hip, I am very grateful.
"He has been on this for only a week, and he is like a puppy again"

My 9 year old Dane/Mastiff, was a rescue dog. He was pretty much skin and bones and was really feeling bad joint pain, couldn't sleep properly, couldn't get into the car without help. With old age, and an unknown history, his skin, energy, muscles, all started going down hill a few months ago. We thought this is the beginning of the end.
Moving forward after a month on Rose-Hip Vital and people are asking me I'd we got a new fur baby!! We don't help him into the car any more. When I come home from work, all he wants to do is play. He even jibbers to me in doggie talk when I rev him up. His dog washer has noticed the quality in his coat and the sparkle in his eyes. He actually looks like he is smiling. He was so down. I thought he would sniff out the powder, but not a problem.
Thoroughly reccomend it!! So, a huge thank you, for completely changing my baby's life.
My roomy is on to the human version now. Lol
"Dyzney was not only brighter and happier in herself, but her movement was distinctively better"

Dyzney is our almost 10 year old Rottweiler. She is a very talented girl that has achieved many titles in varying dog sports and shows over the years. More recently Dyney had started to slow down, appearing a little depressed and has been somewhat lame owing to joint stiffness and tendonitis in her shoulders. A couple of months ago a friend suggested I try Rose-Hip Vital Canine on Dyney. As Dyz was already on Sasha's Blend and Joint Guard and I really had not seen any benefits from any of these, I really had my doubts, but thought I would give it a try anyway.
I started Dyney on Rose-Hip Vital Canine and was incredibly surprised to see an amazing difference in her only after 5 days. I wondered if I was imagining things, but my husband and several friends could also see the improvement in her. Dyney was not only brighter and happier in herself, but her movement was distinctively better and her lameness was almost completely gone. She is back swimming each week and going for a 1km walk/run each morning.
We are thrilled with Rose-Hip Vital Canine and are continuing using it on Dyney as it is putting amazing spunk and attitude back into her life. We are even hoping to get her back into Herding and Obedience competitions soon.
"Within a few weeks of taking the RHVC Ness was racing around like a mad thing"

Ness is my nearly 13 year old Border Collie. For most of her life she has been an active competitor in a range of dog sports including obedience and agility and more recently dances with dogs, tracking and rally-o. She is also my first dog and therefore the first oldie. Due to her active lifestyle she has been on various joint supplements for many years mostly as a preventative.
She has over time developed a small amount of joint pain changes in her wrists which have occasionally caused some front end lameness. At the age of 11 Ness took up tracking and took to it like a duck to water. Great dog shame about the handler. Last year just before she turned 12, she finished off her track 2 and had one failed attempt at a track 3 (her TD title track).
At that stage she was still wanting two long walks a day plus training and didn't like to be left out. Fast forward another few months and I noticed Ness wanted to spend a lot more time sleeping and was coming up lame during her walks. I presumed this was all normal and that maybe she was ready to live a much more lazy existence. My youngster Kenz had been on the RHVC since mid December and having some good results for her myriad of complicated issues when RHVC suggested trying the product on my less complicated Ness.
I was keen to give it a go and wasn't totally sure if it would provide any additional benefit in Ness's situation. Within a few weeks of taking the RHVC Ness was racing around like a mad thing and rather than sleeping all the time was constantly pushing her way in to train when I was training Kenz. I decided to take her back out tracking only the other week and she pulled around the track like a freight train and came up sound and ready to go again after a short rest.
Thanks to the RHVC Ness will hopefully finish off that last track for her TD title (well at least should be able to give it a mighty good go).
"First 2 weeks didn't really notice anything then big change to see her trotting along with zero limp!"

Her name is Mini- she's actually a purebred feral cat that I caught as a kitten at my workplace. She doesn't have a meow she has a broken squeak lol. We noticed- mind you while she had some weight on in winter she started to develop a limp. We were not too worried as she would still climb up ontop the garage. Over time she got to the point when she would sit at the door she would sit her her paw elevated. So I decided to take action and try Rose-Hip Vital as to a vet prescription of chemical pain killers. First 2 weeks didn't really notice anything then big change to see her trotting along with zero limp!
"I love that this product is completely natural and is helping my fur-kids live their best lives"

Louie my staffy started having trouble with his elbow a couple years ago and would always start limping after playing or going for a walk, so I did some research on joint supplements to help him, and was very impressed by the reviews and testimonials of Rose-Hip Vital Canine, so decided to try it for myself. Louie has it every morning sprinkled on his food, and I'm delighted to say his limp has completely disappeared. He's nearly 10 now and doesn't seem to have any joint issues whatsoever.
In March Henley the Boston Terrier joined our pack. After only a week with us she managed to fracture her elbow running too fast into a small step! After an operation involving screws into her growth plate, vets advised the long term affects of this would be arthritis in that joint, so as a preventative, and to help with healing, she also started Rose-Hip Vital Canine. Her elbow now functions perfectly and you would never know she'd had any issues. She also has luxating patella's so another reason it will continue to be part of her daily feeding routine. I love that this product is completely natural and is helping my fur-kids live their best lives.
"This product has created a huge change in my dogs with their physical and emotional health"

After 2 months of Rose-Hip Vital Zoe, staffy 9.5yr has strength and much less pain in her front ankles and after a month starting playing and running again. Rosie, king charles cavalier 8.5yr has less laboured breathing and walking and running and jumping. This product has created a huge change in my dogs with their physical and emotional health. Thank you Rose-Hip Vital.
"We started Rommie on Rose-Hip Vital roughly 6 weeks ago, we've noticed a drastic reduction in his symptoms with Rose-Hip Vital and exercise alone"

Not long before Rommie's first birthday we noticed that he would often look stiff and sore and yelp in pain when we were trying to handle him. After several visits to vets and specialists we were unable to get any answers. At our last specialist appointment the vets last resort was a CT, MRI and spinal tap - a costly and invasive procedure. We started Rommie on Rose-Hip Vital roughly 6 weeks ago, we've noticed a drastic reduction in his symptoms with Rose-Hip Vital and exercise alone. We are only using pain relief medication on a particularly bad day. Jury is still out but so far rose hip is helping our pup and we are grateful.
"I've been using it now maybe seven days and I can already see it's working. I haven't heard his joints click in the last four days"

Knuckles is American bulldog cross American Steffi he's deaf. I noticed a cracking sound. When he would stand up or stretch. I realised it was actually his elbows clicking, I thought he's only 11 months old. He's too young to have his Joints clicking, imagine when he's older. My vet recommended Rose-Hip Vital when I had my last dog. I came across Rose-Hip Vital at chemist warehouse. It was $70 for the container. I thought it was a little bit pricey, it had 100% money back guarantee on the label. I read On the packaging, it was scientifically proven to help reduce inflammation, protect Cartlidge improves general health and improve performance I thought if it works that is definitely worth paying the $70 for my boy. I've been using it now maybe seven days and I can already see it's working. I haven't heard his joints click in the last four days, his coat is really soft. He's full of energy. I've been using four scoops a day in his meal like it says to do for three weeks, then go down to 2 scoops daily. If it works, I'm more than happy to keep buying Rose-Hip Vital for him even if i cant afford toilet paper lol his happiness is my happiness.



Rose-Hip Vital® Canine 澳寵瑰寶® 是一款純植物製劑,玫瑰果天然具備消炎功效,並對免疫系統提供支援,可為您的毛孩的關節健康和整體健康提供支持。 Rose-Hip Vital® Canine 澳寵瑰寶® 由採用專利工藝製造的玫瑰果製成,經科學和臨床證明可以減少炎症,保護軟骨,改善整體健康。

萃取和乾燥過程所使用的全球專利技術工藝,能有效分離並激活玫瑰果中的GOPO®成分。科學研究證明了GOPO®的消炎功效和抗氧化特性。 GOPO®能有效阻止多餘的白細胞聚集在發炎的組織周圍,從而減低炎症對軟組織的傷害,減輕炎症及其引至的痛楚。 不含GOPO®的玫瑰果產品尚未被證明具有此功效。
