"Within about two weeks, I noticed a substantial difference... Shadow was running around in no time."
I am reaching out because I would like to share the impact this product has had on my dogs quality of life. About 5 years ago, my dogs health declined. At the time he was a relatively healthy dog, no major issues that we were aware of, and from one day to the next he went from walking and running like normal to not being able to get up from his bed. I spend THOUSANDS of dollars at the vet and did every test possible only for them to not be able to answer what was wrong with my dog. I cried myself to sleep so many nights because I just wanted my dog back. It killed me to see him lay there lethargic, and I would tell myself "I wish I could just see him have zoomies just one more time" after scrolling on Instagram one day I got an AD for this product 'Rose-Hip Vital Canine' with a German Shepard dog who was also having the same difficulties walking as my dog, so I made the impulse decision to try this product because I had nothing else left to try. I didn't notice anything immediately, but within about two weeks, I noticed a substantial difference. My dog was walking around and after consistently giving him the powder with his food, Shadow was running around in no time. We have been giving him this powder pretty consistently and I am happy to report he has had several zoomies and can even jump on the bed. Thank you Rose-Hip Vital!