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AGE: 12

Our Veterinarian was thrilled and amazed with the change in her.

Our 14-year-old Beaglier, Sizzles, was barely able to get up from the bed and go outside. She suffered terribly, was extremely ginger when touched, and really struggled throughout the day. Essentially, she seemed to be giving up, and rarely got out of bed at all. We all thought that she didn't have much time left.

What an amazing transformation!

"I really need to say that it changed her life"

First time ever I post a review on a product.. But my beautiful staffy crossed, Rona, got diagnosed with arthritis last year, at only yo. The vet recommended us to get an injection each month to help her, which we did for few months, but between the cost and the fact that it is a pretty heavy medicine, I have looked for a more natural alternative online and got caught by Rose-Hip Vital. And I really need to say that it changed her life..

While she could barely walk without limping (running and playing became quite impossible), she can now play like any other dogs. Her mood changed aswell and her health. I genuinly recommend Rose-Hip Vital to any dogs that need joint support, it is amazing..

And to be honest, compare to any other medicines, the cost is way much cheaper.. (injections were $85 each month, while Rose-Hip 1.5kg is about $150 and last 4-5 months). Thank you very much for putting this amazing product out, thanks for Rona.
"To my delight I have seen significant improvement in everyone! Gracie in particular has a newfound zest in her step! They have been on Rose-Hip Vital for about a month and her appetite is back!"

Our dog Gracie is a Border Collie/Cattledog mix she has had pretty severe arthritis issues for a year or so now. We have tried numerous supplements some containing green lipid mussels, Omega 3's, eggshells, and we have done Adequine shots with little to no improvement in her mobility. She was lethargic and had severe limping. Some days she didn't even want to eat. She was always a very active dog and her decline was heartbreaking. I was looking into alternatives like acupuncture to help with her pain management. We also tried Dasuquin but were concerned with her kidney levels. When I came across your product I read great reviews and decided to give it a try. I have 4 dogs ages ranging from 2-13 years old. I began supplementing all of them and to my delight I have seen significant improvement in everyone! Gracie in particular has a newfound zest in her step! They have been on Rose-Hip Vital for about a month and her appetite is back! She seems so happy ... playing with the other dogs even jumping off the bed. Whereas before I would have to lift her off in the morning because jumping down was too painful. I want to cry l'm so happy she isn't suffering! And an added bonus is our 13 year old Carolina Dog who was suffering minor seizures (staring into space) then confused and having some brief incontinence ... hasn't had an episode in about a month... the only thing I can attribute it to is being in the Rose-Hip Vital as it's an anti-inflammatory and a main cause of tremors or seizures is inflammation. I'm so delighted I have found something that works. I'm a true believer in natural remedies and food as medicine as they are all on a perils raw food healthy diet. With this addition I've seen so much improvement in all of them! I don't currently have before and after video but I will search my archives and see if I have video to provide. Thank you so much!
"He is an 8 year old beagle running and jumping again"

Hi! Rusty has been taking Rose-Hip Vital since 7 months (when we rescued him). We have been working our budget around to give him the best product! He is an 8 year old beagle running and jumping again and his joints are working better!
He was getting arthritis but with this product he is feeling like new again! As he is happy, we are happy too! I am attaching you a photo of him.
"He's got more energy and is happier overall"

Milo is our 7 year old Kelpie × staffy rescue. A few years ago we discovered he was in pain and has very bad hips and arthritis. He started behaving as a very old, cripple and grumpy dog. Surgery is not possible for him so we tried to keep him comfortable with steroid injections, anti inflammatory and painkillers. We've tried different meds but his stomach wasn't coping with the long term use of medication and he stopped eating for a little while. We decided (with the Vet) to stop all meds and see how he would go without. He started eating again and could have little walks with lots of sniffing time. Shortly after, we started Rose-Hip and he's been walking better than he has been for years. He's got more energy and is happier overall. We will continue with a maintenance dose for him!
I wish we learned about Rose-Hip sooner.
"He's walking really well and you can hardly tell he has any issues"

I've been using it for a couple months now and it seems to working really well! My golden retriever is 10 and injured his leg two years ago and was limping, plus struggled with a bit of arthritis in his back legs. We started Antinol earlier, probably almost two years ago, closer to when the injury happened and didn't see visible results so we are looking to stop Antinol once we run out. Since we've started using Rose-Hip Vital he's walking really well and you can hardly tell he has any issues.
"After about 2 weeks she was doing zoomies every morning, bouncing around the park on her walk, and generally extremely full of life and happy"

Our girl is a golden labrador who is almost 12 years old, and has been suffering with arthritis for at least 2 years.
Last year after a toe amputation due to cancer and a back injury from launching herself out of the stationary car, we thought she was at the end. She has been on medication for a while now and we also supplement other items.
However, I recently included Rose-Hip Vital, and after about 2 weeks she was doing zoomies every morning, bouncing around the park on her walk, and generally extremely full of life and happy. A trip to the vet had him saying as she walked in "well thats not what I expected to see" as she bounded in demanding some treats. We also have a 10 year old husky and we have her on it too as she has the beginnings of arthritis, she has also perked up.
"It's made a huge difference to her arthritis and mobility"

My 19yo CAT Tigger takes this and it's made a huge difference to her arthritis and mobility.

Puss is suffering from a touch of arthritis but since we have been using Rose-Hip Vital she seems to be moving a lot better. It was within the first week that we noticed the improvement in puss.

"A couple of months later she's a totally different cat!"

Just wanted to say a big thankyou. My 17 yo cat has dreadful arthritis in her front legs. We'd tried everything, injections, omega 3, msm, gabapentin and it was looking like we'd have to send her over the rainbow bridge. She stayed in bed, never went downstairs, struggled to her litter box and slept all day. I saw Rose-Hip Vital on FB, as a last ditch effort thought I'd give it a go. Loading dose of one scoop then half a scoop on her tuna, she didn't notice any difference in taste. A couple of months later she's a totally different cat! Wish I'd taken a video of before and after! She's going down stairs a few times a day, is alert and back to following me around. Thanks so much.
You've made a massive difference to her life. We're not fussed on having a doggie on the jar but will put up with it for the excellent benefit. 

"To my amazement after 3 weeks I can't believe the difference"

I am amazed at how much this has helped my little chi/foxy. This little dog was a rescue probably from one of those terrible puppy farms. He is only 6 and started to get very lame in his right leg, he had an operation to correct a luxating patellar when he was 5 months old literally the same month I rescued him. The vet said his patellar now had severe arthritis and was causing pain and lameness. This little fellow also had terrible skin needing anti-allergy injections, cortisone cream and weekly washes with medicated shampoo and a special diet. There was a lot of redness and scratching despite all of this treatment. The vet suggested a series of cartrophen injections for his knee joint which helped a bit and suggested a joint guard as well. I found this Rose-Hip Vital Canine at the pet shop and to be honest was sceptical as to whether it would help. To my amazement after 3 weeks I can't believe the difference he is now enthusiastic about his walk running everywhere with my other little dog, I ended up carrying him home previously. I also notice an incredible change in his skin, the redness has subsided, I actually haven't used any cortisone cream for 2 weeks, his scratching has diminished substantially. He can be fussy with food also and was worried he might not like it, but there has been no problem at all. I really am so relieved for him as he is only young and I felt life was really tough for the little guy, it has made it much easier for me as well can enjoy life so much more with him, before I was constantly worried about what he was going through and felt I was always treating him for something. I am very grateful for this product.
"She bounces around like she's still 6"

My twelve year old lab seems to be getting along much better than before I started her on this. She has arthritis and a nearly displaced hip. I have cut down on the vets anti inflammatory tablets and she bounces around like she's still 6.
Better then CBD Oil!"

Better then CBD Oil! Our 6 year old American Staffy was diagnosed with severe hip dysplasia and arthritis 3 years ago, a hip replacement was not on the cards as the vet said his knees wouldn't cope as they have arthritis too. He got to a point where he was unable to be walked, couldn't climb stairs and was in a lot of discomfort. He was on pentosan injections but they didn't last long, we tried full spectrum CBD Oil, which was great, until he grew a resistance and the dose got so high it became impossible to financially maintain. The a friend of ours suggested Rose-Hip Vital, within three weeks we nearly had our old dog back, a small limp and that was it. Three years later he runs around like a mad man, tackling stairs and all sorts AND he is still just on the maintenance dose. Rose-Hip Vital has been an absolute lifesaver for our dog.



Rose-Hip Vital® Canine 澳寵瑰寶® 是一款純植物製劑,玫瑰果天然具備消炎功效,並對免疫系統提供支援,可為您的毛孩的關節健康和整體健康提供支持。 Rose-Hip Vital® Canine 澳寵瑰寶® 由採用專利工藝製造的玫瑰果製成,經科學和臨床證明可以減少炎症,保護軟骨,改善整體健康。

萃取和乾燥過程所使用的全球專利技術工藝,能有效分離並激活玫瑰果中的GOPO®成分。科學研究證明了GOPO®的消炎功效和抗氧化特性。 GOPO®能有效阻止多餘的白細胞聚集在發炎的組織周圍,從而減低炎症對軟組織的傷害,減輕炎症及其引至的痛楚。 不含GOPO®的玫瑰果產品尚未被證明具有此功效。
