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AGE: 12

Our Veterinarian was thrilled and amazed with the change in her.

Our 14-year-old Beaglier, Sizzles, was barely able to get up from the bed and go outside. She suffered terribly, was extremely ginger when touched, and really struggled throughout the day. Essentially, she seemed to be giving up, and rarely got out of bed at all. We all thought that she didn't have much time left.

What an amazing transformation!


"She has no limp at all and bounces and jumps around constantly"

I wished to give you an update about my dog Coruba. I started Coruba on Rose-Hip Vital Canine on 27/07/12 with two scoops everyday. I have noticed that although she is still quite stiff in the mornings she doesn't have much of a limp during the day as she used to.

Coruba would walk around all day with a limp. Coruba has suffered inflammation of her private area for three years and this becomes extremely irritated, swollen, inflamed and itchy and we have used many different antibiotics and creams prescribed by her vet to no avail.

Strangely enough, I have noticed if I have not applied any cream or ointment that her private area is not as red, swollen and she doesn't lick this area as often. Previously, I would have to apply Prednoderm ointment each day with this being quite an ordeal for both of us. I will keep you updated on her progress.

Part 2 - 3 weeks later: Coruba has no sign of any limp or soreness in her front legs and is running faster and jumping around a lot more than she used to.

Part 3 - 3 weeks after part 2: Thought I would give you an update on Coruba. She has no limp at all and bounces and jumps around constantly. My parents have both started taking Rose-Hip Vital capsules and my grandma is placing her order today.
"Her allergies now seem to have cleared and her coat is wonderful"

Tam writing this letter as something wonderful has happened. I bought your product for my 15 year old Miniature Poodle (Cookie) as she has joint issues not only has the Rose-Hip Vital Canine helped her joint issues it has also helped with her allergies for 15 years.
Cookie has suffered with allergies and has been on a lot of medications. The source of her allergies was never clear, but her allergies now seem to have cleared and her coat is wonderful. The only thing I can put it down to to is your product Rose-Hip Vital Canine. Thank You so much for bringing my beloved friend so much relief.
"I started giving him the powder, and he no longer gets a rash"

I get Rose-Hip Vital for my dog, because he is a white pit-bull type dog, and he gets really rashy in the spring.
I realize that the powder is intended for joint health, but I had read on the Life of Pikelet Instagram page that their white pit-bull type dog had been helped by the powder for his rashiness. That is how I learned about Rose-Hip Vital.

We have had our dog for almost 5 years now. When he was a foster for a year at my daughter's house, he was extremely rashy in the spring and early summer so that he had to wear a t-shirt and socks on his paws to keep from scratching.

When we adopted him, I started giving him the powder, and he no longer gets a rash. He does still get itchy in the spring and summer, but way less so.
I am also about to order a tub for myself to put in smoothies for joint health.
"Nothing has worked so well as Rose-Hip Vital"

My Koolie also has CLD. His nose is looking much better after starting him on Rose-Hip Vital for the past few months. It doesn't seem to be so UV sensitive with much less ulceration too ©. He is 16 years old suffered with lupus since he was 4 years old. Tried every cream and medication in the book but nothing has worked so well as Rose-Hip Vital. And best of all no side effects like steroidal anti inflammatories. We love our Rose-Hip Vital. Worth every cent G
"Not only is he moving a lot more freely and enjoying our mountain hikes again but his nose...has started to heal and GROW BACK!"

Hi Guys, I basically never ever do this, but I just wanted to send you a virtual bear hug for giving me my Best Mate back. Ace is a 11-year-old Blue Merle border collie who suffers from Canine Discoid Lupus (CLD) and arthritis in his knees. He has been on a grain free diet for a long time now and two months ago we added in the Rose-Hip Vital. Not only is he moving a lot more freely and enjoying our mountain hikes again but his nose (previously scarred from the over-sensitivity to UV caused by the CLD) has started to heal and GROW BACK! I initially put him on the Rose-Hip Vital for his knees so this response was completely unexpected! So THANK YOU!!
Warmest regards, Kerryn and Ace.
"How much happier Max is in just a few weeks!"

OCT 2019
Max is enjoying his morning treat, I can definitely see it helping his grass allergy and he is also walking better on his back legs. It's only been 2wks and although he still struggles getting up from his bed, once moving he has a spring in his step. I'm happy with that considering less than 4wks ago he couldn't hardly walk more than 3 steps. I will keep you posted on his progress.

NOV 2019
How much happier Max is in just a few weeks! His gone from just a few steps and sitting, to almost a little run.
We're so happy seeing our boy up and about happy.
Thank You So Much

FEB 2020
Max is doing amazing his lost 12kg and has his Rose-Hip Vital with an anti-inflammatory every morning. No more limping and can run now although we try to avoid that, we're just happy he can walk with no pain. We have recommended Rose-Hip Vital to some of our friends to help their fur babies, they are happy with the results.

Thank You for checking in on Max that means a lot.

Kind Regards
"He will never be without it"

This is Diesel, my 13 yr old kelpie lab x. He has arthritis and skin issues. He no longer needs to have pentozane injections and it makes his coat nice and soft. He's been on it for 12 mths now. If at anytime he is off it he goes back to itching a lot and lame. So he will never be without it.
"Since feeding Rose-Hip Vital each day our girl is a ball of happiness, she doesn't scratch, she has all her hair back and her quality of life is excellent"

My poor girl suffered from severe skin allergies. Our vets were at a loss so we thought we'd try Rose-Hip Vital and we wouldn't look back! She was constantly scratching to the point of bleeding, she'd lost almost all of her hair and her quality of life was deteriorating quickly. Since feeding Rose-Hip Vital each day our girl is a ball of happiness, she doesn't scratch, she has all her hair back and her quality of life is excellent. Thank you for saving our baby, our vet's next option was to euthanise, so thank you from the bottom of my heart.
"I love most, is that there is actual science behind this"

I've had my two dogs on this product for about a year now. The first thing I noticed was the skin on my dog's nose that was always dry started to clear up within 2 weeks and has stayed that way. They've never turned their nose up at it either. I love most, is that there is actual science behind this, it's really important to us that we aren't wasting our money on tasty powders that don't actually have health benefits.
"I've never seen my staffy do a "zoomie" until we started using Rose-Hip Vital."

My dog would often suffer from skin irritations. No matter how many medicated baths we did it would always resurface. I was recommended Rose-Hip Vital by a friend who's staffy suffered from arthritis. Within 3 weeks I noticed a difference in his coat and energy levels. I've never seen my staffy do a "zoomie" until we started using
Rose-Hip Vital. Very happy with the product, so is my pup.
" have put her on it for prevention of muscle and joint issues and to keep her as healthy as she can be."

I started my 4 year old golden retriever on Rose-Hip Vital about a month ago. I have put her on it for prevention of muscle and joint issues and to keep her as healthy as she can be. I'm actually noticing she seems to have more energy and a lot more up an go! She is prone to allergies and she hasn't been scratching as much. All round I'm so happy with this product and will continue using it.
"I'll never take him off it and he loves it"

I have my cat on it, it's helped his skin so much! His name is Franklin, 9 years old who was getting sore above his eyes and after having my dog on rosehip years back I knew it was perfect for Franklin and also to help ease him into his senior years. 2 months on and Franklin's skin, fur and general well-being is back to his younger days, I'll never take him off it and he loves it.



Rose-Hip Vital® Canine 澳寵瑰寶® 是一款純植物製劑,玫瑰果天然具備消炎功效,並對免疫系統提供支援,可為您的毛孩的關節健康和整體健康提供支持。 Rose-Hip Vital® Canine 澳寵瑰寶® 由採用專利工藝製造的玫瑰果製成,經科學和臨床證明可以減少炎症,保護軟骨,改善整體健康。

萃取和乾燥過程所使用的全球專利技術工藝,能有效分離並激活玫瑰果中的GOPO®成分。科學研究證明了GOPO®的消炎功效和抗氧化特性。 GOPO®能有效阻止多餘的白細胞聚集在發炎的組織周圍,從而減低炎症對軟組織的傷害,減輕炎症及其引至的痛楚。 不含GOPO®的玫瑰果產品尚未被證明具有此功效。
