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AGE: 12

Our Veterinarian was thrilled and amazed with the change in her.

Our 14-year-old Beaglier, Sizzles, was barely able to get up from the bed and go outside. She suffered terribly, was extremely ginger when touched, and really struggled throughout the day. Essentially, she seemed to be giving up, and rarely got out of bed at all. We all thought that she didn't have much time left.

What an amazing transformation!

"We were recommended Rose-Hip Vital by a lady at the vets and it's been the best thing for her"

Diva is an 11 year old staffy cross who lost her back leg to bone cancer a couple of years ago. The missing back leg creates extra strain on her remaining back leg and now she's older she has really struggled to the point she cannot support herself.
We were recommended Rose-Hip Vital by a lady at the vets and it's been the best thing for her. She's running around our property, she manages the back step well, she's got a whole new lease on life. I'm hoping we will get many more happy years with her now.
"Will definitely be using it for the foreseeable future!"

We've been using Rose-Hip Vital for about 2.5 months. Absolutely love it! Red was really stiff in his back left leg and wouldn't really adventure much if we took him to the beach, now he comes out into the water, runs up and down the shoreline and wanders off for sniffs but never far or out of sight. He's not been officially diagnosed with arthritis but I definitely think that was the issue as I'm a vet nurse (he's 7, 8 this year) and I use it as a preventative for my pup Nova! Will definitely be using it for the foreseeable future!
"Truly so grateful to have found your product and had an extra 18 months of pain free movement for him"

Our gorgeous kelpie cattle cross Mac got an extra 18 months of free movement before cancer beat him last week.
Thank you so much for those extra months of playful pain free dog we got to enjoy. Rose-Hip Vital kept him limber and moving pain free right up until probably his last month when the cancer had spread and made walking difficult.
Truly so grateful to have found your product and had an extra 18 months of pain free movement for him (Mac had arthritis in his "wrists" and hips but didn't suffer pain from it because of taking his Rose-Hip Vital). We miss him terribly but how lucky are we to have had him in our lives for 12.5 years?!
"We are so glad we found your product, and can't recommend it highly enough"

We have a Hungarian Viszla, Minni, she is almost 12. At age 7 she had a serious cancer and had to get her left front leg removed, so she has been a tri-Pawd since. For a long time she was doing really well, but in the last year her good front leg was starting to trip and collapse from all the use that it has had to do to compensate. However as soon as we started on the Rose-Hip Vital, within weeks of starting her on it, the tripping and collapsing of that leg became less and less, to the point where now it hardly happens. We are so glad we found your product, and can't recommend it highly enough...Thanks
"4 weeks on Rose-Hip Vital Jasper was charging around like his healthy younger self and has even started doing
Zoomies again!"

4 years ago Jasper, at the age of 6, was diagnosed with IMPA and at his worst he couldn't even stand let alone walk. I really thought I was going to loose him. It took 4 vets to get an accurate diagnosis and Jasper was eventually placed on a myriad of prescription medications (which he is no longer on). Even after trying other natural remedies plus acupuncture and hydro therapy, Jasper still wasn't his same old bouncy self and would still have plenty of bad days. So a couple of months ago I thought I'd give Rose-Hip Vital a go. Why not!

After around 4 weeks on Rose-Hip Vital Jasper was charging around like his healthy younger self and has even started doing zoomies again! This brings tears to my eyes as it has been so many years of watching him struggle.
He charges up the stairs and zips along the beach and is absolutely loving life again! So so happy I made the decision to put Rose-Hip Vital in his food. We even give it to our other two dogs just for the health benefits. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving my beautiful little boy a spark again!
"Gemma is now running after her ball again and running much faster"

We consider Gemma our miracle dog. In February she was diagnosed with Nasal Bone Cancer and I was told to take her home and give her palliative care. Because of her age, 14, last February 18th it was considered that she wouldn't survive the usual radiation or chemo. We have been treating her with essential oils since. Frankincense and Myrrh and Lavender and Turmeric and Copaiba and also CBD oil. When she responded so well to it we introduced her to your Rose Hip Vital. She had found it hard to jump onto her favourite chair and was becoming very slow when running with the bike on the trail.

After starting Rose-Hip Vital Gemma is now running after her ball again and running much faster after me on the rail trail. Gemma loves to run with me when I am riding my bike. She can keep up again if I don't go too fast.

This photo is after she had completed her 100th Parkrun on 9th July 2022. You'll see she has a swelling on her snout. Despite this problem she's still living a very full life and is a happy little dog.
"It was just so nice seeing him play with his mates again and enjoying it!"

Pumba was an amazing athlete his whole life! But the stress of living a full life had created arthritic changes in some of his joints but predominantly his spine. We'd been recommended getting him on glucosamine chondroitin which we did, but there was no significant improvement.
The smallest of steps became difficult and for a dog that was used to doing everything with ease it was frustrating him. I'd had friends with horses tell me about Rose-Hip Vital and what it'd done for their dressage stallions. So we gave it a go!
Within 3 weeks Pumba regained vigour, but most of all, his pain had eased so much. His glowingly sad demeanour saw a glow back in his eyes.
It was just so nice seeing him play with his mates again and enjoying it!
"Swelling, stiffness and pain well under control thanks to this product and as it is a natural product, I am very happy to give it to her every day"

I can't speak highly enough of Rose-Hip Vital Canine. Several years ago my beloved black labrador Molly was diagnosed with a genetic condition called Osteochondritis Dissecans in her hocks, the left one in particular. The condition causes arthritis in the joints it impacts. Molly has been taking Rose-Hip Vital Canine since the diagnosis and it has helped her enormously. Swelling, stiffness and pain well under control thanks to this product and as it is a natural product, I am very happy to give it to her every day. It also makes her coat very shiny and her general vitality is excellent. Molly is so important to me and I love her beyond words so I want to thank you for this amazing product. I would thoroughly recommend this Australian company's products - they are great and the company is excellent to deal with ... excellent customer service and support. Thank you for making such a difference in my
Molly's life ... Rose-Hip Vital Canine is the best!
"Not only is he moving a lot more freely and enjoying our mountain hikes again but his nose...has started to heal and GROW BACK!"

Hi Guys, I basically never ever do this, but I just wanted to send you a virtual bear hug for giving me my Best Mate back. Ace is a 11-year-old Blue Merle border collie who suffers from Canine Discoid Lupus (CLD) and arthritis in his knees. He has been on a grain free diet for a long time now and two months ago we added in the Rose-Hip Vital. Not only is he moving a lot more freely and enjoying our mountain hikes again but his nose (previously scarred from the over-sensitivity to UV caused by the CLD) has started to heal and GROW BACK! I initially put him on the Rose-Hip Vital for his knees so this response was completely unexpected! So THANK YOU!!
Warmest regards, Kerryn and Ace.
"After about 2 weeks she was doing zoomies every morning, bouncing around the park on her walk, and generally extremely full of life and happy"

Our girl is a golden labrador who is almost 12 years old, and has been suffering with arthritis for at least 2 years.
Last year after a toe amputation due to cancer and a back injury from launching herself out of the stationary car, we thought she was at the end. She has been on medication for a while now and we also supplement other items.
However, I recently included Rose-Hip Vital, and after about 2 weeks she was doing zoomies every morning, bouncing around the park on her walk, and generally extremely full of life and happy. A trip to the vet had him saying as she walked in "well thats not what I expected to see" as she bounded in demanding some treats. We also have a 10 year old husky and we have her on it too as she has the beginnings of arthritis, she has also perked up.
"She has been on Rose-Hip Vital for four weeks now and she is now walking confidently and is able to tackle stairs"

Phoebe suffered a spinal stroke and was paralysed in her back legs and on cage rest for months. She used a sling for walking and couldn't toilet herself. She was on painkillers thrice daily. She has been on Rose-Hip Vital for four weeks now and she is now walking confidently and is able to tackle stairs. Her toileting is nearly back to normal, her tail is wagging and she has her poodle smile back. Keeping her on loading dose for a while longer. She likes the product mixed in with wet food and eats it like it's a real treat. So glad I found this product and will recommend it to evervone.
"Now he is running around like a two year old puppy. Makes me take him for a walk at least 5 times a day"

4 years ago Ralf was not feeling very well so I took him to the vet who did some test and told me he had liver disease and only had 3 months to live. Well I was devastated and a friend of mine gave me some Rose-Hip Vital and said it might keep him comfortable. I have been giving him a teaspoon on his dinner every night since then.
Now he is running around like a two year old puppy. Makes me take him for a walk at least 5 times a day. Eats his food like he won't get any more. Now, I'm not saying that the Rose-Hip Vital cured him but its certainly a big coincidence.



Rose-Hip Vital® Canine 澳寵瑰寶® 是一款純植物製劑,玫瑰果天然具備消炎功效,並對免疫系統提供支援,可為您的毛孩的關節健康和整體健康提供支持。 Rose-Hip Vital® Canine 澳寵瑰寶® 由採用專利工藝製造的玫瑰果製成,經科學和臨床證明可以減少炎症,保護軟骨,改善整體健康。

萃取和乾燥過程所使用的全球專利技術工藝,能有效分離並激活玫瑰果中的GOPO®成分。科學研究證明了GOPO®的消炎功效和抗氧化特性。 GOPO®能有效阻止多餘的白細胞聚集在發炎的組織周圍,從而減低炎症對軟組織的傷害,減輕炎症及其引至的痛楚。 不含GOPO®的玫瑰果產品尚未被證明具有此功效。
