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Andrew Brophy, Pro Skateboarder

Andrew Brophy, Pro Skateboarder



"I'll keep taking it for a long time to come because I feel good from it, and there is nothing better than that."

I started to take Rose-Hip Vital because I was looking for a powerful anti-inflammatory with no side effects and something that could help with my joints without hurting my digestive system. I found out about it from my mum who uses it for her dogs and horses I think, it sounded great so I looked into it and tried some out for myself. I started to take it because I have had multiple surgeries on my ankle and knee from my profession as a professional skateboarder, as well as the rest of my body taking a beating for the last 14 years doing it.

I was ready to try and make myself feel better / younger / fitter and less sore. I noticed a difference in my knees and ankles with basically less pain in the joints, and that's all I was after. I don't believe there is any wonder cure for anything but Rose-Hip Vital has definitely helped my body. I'll keep taking it for a long time to come because I feel good from it, and there is nothing better than that. With professional skateboarding as my job, my poor body takes a beating daily so it's great to have something that can support my joints. It's a true blessing to the body!



Rose-Hip Vital® with GOPO® 是一種全天然純植物製劑,具備抗炎和改善免疫系統的作用,可促進關節健康和整體健康。它由採用專利提取和乾燥工藝製造的玫瑰果製成,是一種經過科學和臨床測試的天然抗炎劑、抗氧化劑和天然維生素 C,用於緩解和預防與輕度關節炎相關的關節疼痛,僵硬,炎症和腫脹。

萃取和乾燥過程所使用的全球專利技術工藝,能有效分離並激活玫瑰果中的GOPO®成分。科學研究證明了GOPO®的消炎功效和抗氧化特性。 GOPO®能有效阻止多餘的白細胞聚集在發炎的組織周圍,從而減低炎症對軟組織的傷害,減輕炎症及其引至的痛楚。 不含GOPO®的玫瑰果產品尚未被證明具有此功效。
