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AGE: 12

Our Veterinarian was thrilled and amazed with the change in her.

Our 14-year-old Beaglier, Sizzles, was barely able to get up from the bed and go outside. She suffered terribly, was extremely ginger when touched, and really struggled throughout the day. Essentially, she seemed to be giving up, and rarely got out of bed at all. We all thought that she didn't have much time left.

What an amazing transformation!

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"He is an 8 year old beagle running and jumping again"

Hi! Rusty has been taking Rose-Hip Vital since 7 months (when we rescued him). We have been working our budget around to give him the best product! He is an 8 year old beagle running and jumping again and his joints are working better!
He was getting arthritis but with this product he is feeling like new again! As he is happy, we are happy too! I am attaching you a photo of him.
"We have now seen Liberty jumping in the air. She has never done this before!"

I just wanted to thank you for your product. My 2 year old Rottweiler Liberty has hip dysplacia and we have started her on Rose-Hip Vital Canine. I had asked a question to you in regards to still giving her glucosomine with it. Well we had just finished the 3 week starting period only a week ago and we have now seen Liberty jumping in the air.
She has never done this before! Even as a puppy!
I was amazed and we had always been giving her glucosomine for her hip and fish oils since she was 9 months old. As the cooler weather is upon us she had started to whimper when getting up off the ground.. I haven't heard her do this since we started Rose Hip Vital. Thank you so much. We rescued Liberty as she was due to be euthanised at 10 weeks of age, Liberty is young and deserves to be able to enjoy her life to the fullest. with Rose-Hip Vital Canine, we can achieve this now.
"Three weeks on she is much brighter and more active"

Thank you for the very generous donation of product we received a couple of weeks ago. I have just reordered and given Hope has just completed three weeks of her loading dose I am excited to see if the coming weeks bring positive change for her. Hope arrived from Hawkesbury Pound and could barely stand let alone walk! We obviously took her to the vet and whilst she was pain medicated we looked for other options to improve her quality of life.
Hope had a terrible coat, weepy eyes, ear infections and the list goes on! Three weeks on she is much brighter and more active. Hope is an old dog so we don't expect miracles but she is certainly much improved from when she arrived (see attached pictures) We will be sure to be in touch over the coming weeks with any news on her progress.
Amanda Scott
Sweet Shepherd Rescue
CONDITION: Wellbeing

"Her eyes are bright, and she's eagerly exploring her new life"

Harriet came to us on 18th October from Renbury Farm Animal Shelter in NSW. Photos from the pound showed a particular sadness and reports from rescue workers visiting her in the days prior to her release said she was in bad shape and that she seemed to have just given up and was fading fast. At first we were told that she was not strong enough to make the trip to Victoria, but as her mandatory holding period passed, receiving regular meals at Renbury and some extra attention by rescue volunteers, the Renbury staff cleared her to come to us. We were very excited as we rounded up an experienced rescue dream team - including Sweet Shepherd Rescue, Rainy Day Special Needs Rescue and Robyn of GRS Grooming, to meet her at the depot, assess her and get her bathed and fine tune our rescue plan.

She was so severely underweight, all her ribs and vertebrae showed through patchy fur - much of her thin, raw and scaly skin showing through in wide patches, especially across her hindquarters and chest. Her ears were fly-bitten so badly as to be misshapen at the tips. But always, there were these meltingly soulful eyes that seemed to understand that we were doing our best to help her as she suffered the many indignities and discomforts of being examined and bathed, including having her backside shaved.

Bringing her home, I did not bother with introductions to the family or the other dogs, but had set her up in a quiet, dark room so she could rest and recover from the whole ordeal. It didn't take her long, by the second day, she was up and curious about her surroundings and wanted to explore, so we set her up in an area near the fireplace in the lounge room so that she could watch all the going on in the house. Day 3 was a sunny day, and she spent most of it snuggled up in blankets on a sunny spot on the front verandah watching the world go by, and I was lucky enough to snap a photo of her getting up to greet Mr. Rainy Day at the gate, with a little wag of the tail.

Her enthusiasm and cheerful nature was always going to be bigger than her strength at first, but through thoughtful nutrition, small frequent meals and brief but frequent walks, we had a chance at giving her back the health that would carry all that personality around with ease. Part of this diet planning included high quality natural supplements, not only to provide vital nutrients but also to build immunity and support joint health which is so important, especially in Harriet's case, as she is a grand old lady of 13, a large breed, and her old tired bones and joints were going to need all the help they could get as she gained weight. We were especially delighted to be able to include Rose Hip Vital Canine in Harriet's supplementation regime.

Within three weeks, you can see for yourself how she is coming along her eyes are bright, and she's eagerly exploring her new life and the world around her, and enjoying car rides and trips to the countryside and walks to the river and chasing ducks. Such a sweet nature she has, and has little licks and kisses for everyone, and invites you to pat her fur which is growing back lush and soft. People who follow Harriet's progress on Facebook often comment how different she looks - that she looks like a different dog - but we know that's the dog that matched those eyes we first saw peering just past us from Jo Lyon's lens she is already showing us the dog she has always meant to be, and we think her future looks bright.

Thank you for helping Harriet's journey Rose-Hip Vital canine xX
Sammy, Sweet Shepherd Rescue
"In the last two months Sam has shown a good improvement"

I am attaching a couple of photos of Sam who is now heading for the big 20. I found Sam on a morning walk around Forrestdale Lake in 1999. I tried to find his owner without success and he has been part of the family ever since. Old age caught up with him and for the last year, he has been on medication from the vet for his joint pain which has just been getting worse.
Then a couple of months ago, I saw a programme on TV about your product and thought I would give it a try. In the last two months Sam has shown a good improvement. When he walks his bad hind leg no longer kicks out at an awkward angle, he can now stand up for a much longer period of time and although he still has problems in getting up this has also improved.
As a result of this, I have recently put Coco onto the product and hope he too will start to find life a bit easier. Coco is now 21 but as soon as he sees a camera he disappears into the depths of my walk in robe!
"Chevy loves Rose-Hip Vital and certainly licks her plate clean!"

My dog Chevy is a 6 year old Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog crossed with a Labrador who I adopted from a pound in Perth in 2009. Chevy was born with a deformed right front paw which causes her pain as it does not bend and therefore places strain on her joints as she walks and runs. I have always been unable to take Chevy on long or fast walks on hard surfaces as they placed too much pressure on her joints and resulted in swelling and lameness.
Since starting on Rose-Hip Vital in March 2013 Chevy's condition has improved immensely. She is now able to be taken for those walks along the footpaths and recovers well without a trip to the Vet for anti-inflammatories. I now have another young dog who is very active and Chevy is managing to keep up with him! Chevy loves Rose-Hip Vital and certainly licks her plate clean! Thank you from Chevy!!
"They all love it"

I have 7 littlies, all various ages. My youngest is Whimsy. She had an untreated broken leg when she came to me, and we had a specialist surgery done, where they rebreak it, and set it in a brace for 6 weeks.
I have been giving it to her for quite some time along with the others and they all love it. Vesper Louise my 11 year old has joint issues and is a bit rickety, can now jump up on the lounge chair which she hasn't done for a long time.
And Maisie who has a grade 5 heart murmur is now playing with Whimsy, which has never ever happened before.
I will attach a picture of all. Whimsy is the little White one, Maisie is the adult white one and Vesper is the black one.
Kae Norman
"He is now running and playing like a much younger dog"

We foster Noddy for Jack Russell Rescue. JRR is a big believer that ALL dogs deserve the chance to be rescued, especially the 'seniors' As Noddy is a rescue dog, and saved from the pound, we don't know much of his history.
We think he is around 13 years of age. He was named Noddy in the pounds because he slept and slept and slept.
We decided to foster him and get him out of the kennels as it is much better for the 'oldies' to be in homes. We noticed instantly when he slept he would sleep on his side with his legs straight out and he didn't curl up in a ball like most jrt's. We presumed he had some joint issues due to his age.
JRR was kindly donated some Rose-Hip Vital Canine Powder by Dr Katrina for us to try on our seniors and Jill suggested we give it a go on Noddy. We did struggle a bit to mix it in with his food as he really doesn't eat that much. We contacted you and you responded quickly with some tips and guidance. And it worked. Within the first 3 weeks we noticed a difference. He started curling up in a ball to go to sleep which was very surprising. And then he went on a small holiday with his foster family and started chasing after the birds. Yes Noddy was actually running (no birds were hurt in the making of this email).
I was quite surprised that the Rose-Hip Powder did work. You presume some things are a bit 'hyped up' but I was still willing to give it a go. And for Noddy, we can definitely notice the change in him. He is now running and playing like a much younger dog. Thanks guys, it is going 'great guns' for Noddy. The other thing I like is - I've read all your posts and you always respond. Negative & Positive. You obviously believe 100% in your product, and so you should. I loved that.
Roslvn Potter
"Max could run, jump and play... unlike anytime before"

Max is a thirteen year old Fox Terrier. Max came to us from the RSPCA in Melbourne and has become an integral part of our entire family with a firm favourite of our grandchildren and friends. Over the past few years, Max has gradually been experiencing some pain and discomfort from joint pain, although it can mostly be attributed to age.
Max got himself into a fight with a couple of Rottweilers when he was six and thanks to the quick thinking of the owner of the Rottweillers, Max escaped from them, but was quite badly hurt. After spending weeks undergoing treatment he finally came home, so this experience has left him with a contributing factor to his joint pain along with his ageing.
About six months ago, I started to give him Rose Hip Vital for Canines and have gradually seen an improvement in Max. It mainly came to light when our youngest daughter's 3 year old Fox Terrier (Zahlia) came to visit recently, Max could run, jump and play with her unlike anytime before. I can only attribute this to the Rose Hip Vital Canine, so thank you Rose Hip, I am very grateful.
"He's got more energy and is happier overall"

Milo is our 7 year old Kelpie × staffy rescue. A few years ago we discovered he was in pain and has very bad hips and arthritis. He started behaving as a very old, cripple and grumpy dog. Surgery is not possible for him so we tried to keep him comfortable with steroid injections, anti inflammatory and painkillers. We've tried different meds but his stomach wasn't coping with the long term use of medication and he stopped eating for a little while. We decided (with the Vet) to stop all meds and see how he would go without. He started eating again and could have little walks with lots of sniffing time. Shortly after, we started Rose-Hip and he's been walking better than he has been for years. He's got more energy and is happier overall. We will continue with a maintenance dose for him!
I wish we learned about Rose-Hip sooner.
"It makes a huge difference to assist him as he gets older"

We just love your product for our Johnny who is 13 year old Jack Russell cross Foxy. We rescued Johnny from a dog pound many years ago. It makes a huge difference to assist him as he gets older. Thank you
"He has been on this for only a week, and he is like a puppy again"

My 9 year old Dane/Mastiff, was a rescue dog. He was pretty much skin and bones and was really feeling bad joint pain, couldn't sleep properly, couldn't get into the car without help. With old age, and an unknown history, his skin, energy, muscles, all started going down hill a few months ago. We thought this is the beginning of the end.
Moving forward after a month on Rose-Hip Vital and people are asking me I'd we got a new fur baby!! We don't help him into the car any more. When I come home from work, all he wants to do is play. He even jibbers to me in doggie talk when I rev him up. His dog washer has noticed the quality in his coat and the sparkle in his eyes. He actually looks like he is smiling. He was so down. I thought he would sniff out the powder, but not a problem.
Thoroughly reccomend it!! So, a huge thank you, for completely changing my baby's life.
My roomy is on to the human version now. Lol

Improve your dog’s joint health and wellbeing

Reduce inflammation, protect cartilage and boost immunity

Rose-Hip Vital® Canine is a plant-based anti-inflammatory and immune system support for your dog's joint health and general wellbeing. Made from Rosehips manufactured with patented processes, Rose-Hip Vital® Canine is scientifically proven to reduce inflammation, protect cartilage, improve general health and improve performance.

Patented extraction and drying processes isolate and activate the compound GOPO® which has scientifically proven anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties. GOPO® works by stopping excess white blood cells from gathering around inflamed tissue, thereby helping to break the cycle of inflammation and protect cartilage. Rosehip products that do not contain GOPO® have not been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.
