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AGE: 12

Our Veterinarian was thrilled and amazed with the change in her.

Our 14-year-old Beaglier, Sizzles, was barely able to get up from the bed and go outside. She suffered terribly, was extremely ginger when touched, and really struggled throughout the day. Essentially, she seemed to be giving up, and rarely got out of bed at all. We all thought that she didn't have much time left.

What an amazing transformation!

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"We have now seen Liberty jumping in the air. She has never done this before!"

I just wanted to thank you for your product. My 2 year old Rottweiler Liberty has hip dysplacia and we have started her on Rose-Hip Vital Canine. I had asked a question to you in regards to still giving her glucosomine with it. Well we had just finished the 3 week starting period only a week ago and we have now seen Liberty jumping in the air.
She has never done this before! Even as a puppy!
I was amazed and we had always been giving her glucosomine for her hip and fish oils since she was 9 months old. As the cooler weather is upon us she had started to whimper when getting up off the ground.. I haven't heard her do this since we started Rose Hip Vital. Thank you so much. We rescued Liberty as she was due to be euthanised at 10 weeks of age, Liberty is young and deserves to be able to enjoy her life to the fullest. with Rose-Hip Vital Canine, we can achieve this now.
"She bounces around like she's still 6"

My twelve year old lab seems to be getting along much better than before I started her on this. She has arthritis and a nearly displaced hip. I have cut down on the vets anti inflammatory tablets and she bounces around like she's still 6.
"He is enjoying life without upping any meds"

I could NOT recommend this more! My sweet boy is 13.5 years old and has both hip displaysia and arthritis. He was hobbling so badly and not wanting to do much. Our vet said the options were to up his Rimadyl (which would damage his liver and lead failures there) or put him down. I did some research and found this amazing product. He has been on it now for almost 4 months and now he runs and plays! He is enjoying life without upping any meds and his kidney/liver values are great! Thank you for letting me keep my sweet boy and enjoy him longer while he actually gets to enjoy his life. Check out our video of him playing today! It's astonishing!
"She has found more freedom of movement and has begun playing again"

My little girl Jess is now 15. She was found as a dumped puppy, about 8 weeks old and terrified of being alone.
Since then, we discovered she suffered from 50% hip dysplasia on both sides, which was treated with medication to keep her pain free.
As she aged, she became more stiff in her hind legs. Since starting Jess on Rose-Hip Vital Canine, she has found more freedom of movement and has begun playing again. Jess is much happier now.
"I have noticed how easy it is for him to stretch out his back legs now and to walk normally!"

Hello!! I just wanted to say how amazing your stuff has worked on my staffy x boy, he was diagnosed with hip dysplasia a few months back, we trialed the 4 week cartrophen injection but saw no difference. I saw this powder on a fb advertisement and thought i would give it a go! I have noticed how easy it is for him to stretch out his back legs now and to walk normally! He is only 2 years old and I was getting desperate to help him! so thankful!!
"Rose-Hip Vital has given our boy a better life"

Our Douge de Bordeaux has severe hip dyslpasia. We were told at 6 months old we would be lucky to get 3-4 years from him. Around 18 months old we discovered Rose-Hip Vital Canine. It changed his life. He is 7 years old now and still going strong and we believe it is the Rose-Hip Vital. Rose-Hip Vital has given our boy a better life. 6 months old given a poor prognosis because of bad hips. He is now 7 and still having a very comfortable active life enjoying his Rose-Hip Vital every day. I'm not sure he would still be with us if it wasn't for this powder. Even our new puppy loves the tastes and tries to eat the remains from his lips!
"I believe his total well-being is a result of Rose-Hip Vital, skin, coat & the brightness in his face"

When Chubbie was diagnosed with mild hip dysplasia (12 months old) his ability to climb stairs, run & jump was limited due to pain. This all changed once I started him on Rose-Hip Vital daily. Chubbie showed a remarkable change within 3 weeks and just seemed a happier dog. Rose-Hip Vital has helped Chubbie on many levels emotionally, physically and mentally because he is free to do all the things dogs like to do without discomfort of pain. I believe his total well-being is a result of Rose-Hip Vital, skin, coat & the brightness in his face. This is a life time commitment for me now with Chubbie. Rose-Hip Vital with his peanut butter is a breakfast treat to stay. I have many friends now using Rose-Hip Vital with their pets and I will continue to tell anyone who is prepared to listen, thank you X
"Within a week of Rose-Hip Vital he was a different dog"

We couldn't believe the difference in just a week we saw improvement. He was in pain from an inflamed spine from an injury and then hip dysplasia to the point he was biting us if we touched him around the area, we didn't like the kids around him. We took him to the vet, they gave him arthritis injection and gave him some natural stuff which did help, but within a week of Rose-Hip Vital he was a different dog no pain, runs around without overdoing it and kids and us can pat and hug him. He's adorable again. Thank you.
Better then CBD Oil!"

Better then CBD Oil! Our 6 year old American Staffy was diagnosed with severe hip dysplasia and arthritis 3 years ago, a hip replacement was not on the cards as the vet said his knees wouldn't cope as they have arthritis too. He got to a point where he was unable to be walked, couldn't climb stairs and was in a lot of discomfort. He was on pentosan injections but they didn't last long, we tried full spectrum CBD Oil, which was great, until he grew a resistance and the dose got so high it became impossible to financially maintain. The a friend of ours suggested Rose-Hip Vital, within three weeks we nearly had our old dog back, a small limp and that was it. Three years later he runs around like a mad man, tackling stairs and all sorts AND he is still just on the maintenance dose. Rose-Hip Vital has been an absolute lifesaver for our dog.
"I am pleased to say Torrie is responding really well to it and keeping up with her baby brother during walks and playtime"

My dog has had hip dysplasia since she was 9 months old. She has always been on conventional pain meds but I wanted to add a natural product to help her with joint mobility as she is getting older. I've heard such good reviews about Rose Hip Vital, and I am pleased to say Torrie is responding really well to it and keeping up with her baby brother during walks and playtime.
"His quality of life is 100% better, I love seeing him so happy and playing like a puppy again"

My gorgeous Lab x Boxer is 11 years old. Three years ago it was found that he had severe arthritis in his hips, due to undiagnosed hip dysplasia. He was not one to complain about pain unless it was beyond unbearable. You couldn't touch his head without a yelp, he loved playing fetch and that stopped. It has heart breaking to see. At our local dog park a couple told me about Rose-Hip Vital and I just had to try it. Within no time, he was back playing fetch and enjoying his scratches on his head without any sign of pain. His quality of life is 100% better, I love seeing him so happy and playing like a puppy again. Without Rose-Hip Vital I really don't know where he would be today! Thank you so much for making my beautiful boy happy and pain free.
"I could not be happier and no medication from the vet"

Diagnosed at 6 months old, Princess has hip dysplasia. She stopped running last year, clearly she was in pain.
After 3 weeks on Rose-Hip Vital Canine, she's playing again! Back to her old self, playing with her brother, I could not be happier and no medication from the vet.

Improve your dog’s joint health and wellbeing

Reduce inflammation, protect cartilage and boost immunity

Rose-Hip Vital® Canine is a plant-based anti-inflammatory and immune system support for your dog's joint health and general wellbeing. Made from Rosehips manufactured with patented processes, Rose-Hip Vital® Canine is scientifically proven to reduce inflammation, protect cartilage, improve general health and improve performance.

Patented extraction and drying processes isolate and activate the compound GOPO® which has scientifically proven anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties. GOPO® works by stopping excess white blood cells from gathering around inflamed tissue, thereby helping to break the cycle of inflammation and protect cartilage. Rosehip products that do not contain GOPO® have not been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.
