AGE: 17
CONDITION: Arthritis
LOCATION: Everton Park, QLD
"A couple of months later she's a totally different cat!"
Just wanted to say a big thankyou. My 17 yo cat has dreadful arthritis in her front legs. We'd tried everything, injections, omega 3, msm, gabapentin and it was looking like we'd have to send her over the rainbow bridge. She stayed in bed, never went downstairs, struggled to her litter box and slept all day. I saw Rose-Hip Vital on FB, as a last ditch effort thought I'd give it a go. Loading dose of one scoop then half a scoop on her tuna, she didn't notice any difference in taste. A couple of months later she's a totally different cat! Wish I'd taken a video of before and after! She's going down stairs a few times a day, is alert and back to following me around. Thanks so much.
You've made a massive difference to her life. We're not fussed on having a doggie on the jar but will put up with it for the excellent benefit.